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First Baptist Church of Njardvik Iceland, Missionary Iceland
Baptist Missionary Iceland, First Baptist Church of Njardvik Iceland
Um okkur
First Baptist Church of Njardvik Iceland, Missionary Iceland
Iceland Missionary Church - First Baptist Church of Njardvik Iceland
About us
Service Times
Image by Diego González
Military Church Ministry, Iceland, Serviceman's center Iceland

Are you stationed in Iceland?

Street view, First Baptist Church, Missionary Iceland
Ariel view, First Baptist Church of Njardvik Iceland
Baptist Missionary, Missionary Iceland FBC Iceland

Missionary Patrick Weimer / Patrekur Vilhjálmsson Prestur 
Victoria Weimer / Viktoría Karlsdóttir
Clayton Weimer / Karl Patreksson
William Weimer / Vilhjálmur Patreksson
Rosa Kristin Weimer / Rósa Patreksdóttir


I'm always looking to be a blessing to visitors in Iceland.

Please feel free to contact me.

224-585-3016 (U.S. number)

+354-847-1756 (Iceland Number)

First Baptist Church of Njardvik Iceland, Missionary Iceland, Baptist Missionary Iceland

If you need a ride to church in the Reykjanes area, we have an 18-passenger mini-bus. Just give us a call! No worries, it is free! You may click here, FB link, to request a ride also. Leave a message with your name and address on a comment before 9 am Sunday. 

First Baptist Church
Fitjar 4, 260 Njardvik Iceland 
Pastor Patrick 

Open the page on your phone by scanning the QR Code with the camera. 


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