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Live feed and Archive

Sundays 10:15 am (Iceland time) EST 06:15

Sundays 11:00 am (Iceland time) EST 07:00

Word study archives 

Sunday Sermon archives


I'm always looking to be a blessing to visitors in Iceland.

Please feel free to contact me.

224-585-3016 (U.S. number)

+354-847-1756 (Iceland Number)

First Baptist Church of Njardvik Iceland, Missionary Iceland, Baptist Missionary Iceland

If you need a ride to church in the Reykjanes area, we have an 18-passenger mini-bus. Just give us a call! No worries, it is free! You may click here, FB link, to request a ride also. Leave a message with your name and address on a comment before 9 am Sunday. 

First Baptist Church
Fitjar 4, 260 Njardvik Iceland 
Pastor Patrick 

Open the page on your phone by scanning the QR Code with the camera. 


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